Closing Our Doors.

6 05 2014

It is with a sad heart that we are closing our doors. However the sadness comes mixed with happiness, Dr Bruno has recently gotten married and is moving! So if you are in need of a chiropractor, she recommends the following:

For Pawcatuck:

Dr Flaherty, 16 Lincoln Ave, 860-599-2223

Dr Antonino, 259 South Broad St, 860-599-5551

For Westerly:

Luke Pinatello, 77 Franklin St, 401-315-2300

Thank you for all the fond memories.

The Ultimate Health Care Technology

3 03 2014

The Ultimate Health Care Technology requires no batteries or electricity of any kind. It adapts to changes in weather, food intake, stress levels, and work habits. It also adapts to changes in your environment and the intensity of your physical training and exercise. You can direct it to perform at the highest level possible with your choices. This Ultimate Health Care Technology is your body’s Innate Intelligence.

You have, within you, an Innate Intelligence. Present from the moment you were conceived, this intelligence grew you from 1 cell into over 80 quadrillion cells that were organized and specialized to keep you healthy and functioning at your highest level throughout your lifetime. This Innate Intelligence guides the processes in your body that turn food into cells, eliminate waste products, coordinate muscle contraction and communicates with or without your conscious thought to every cell, tissue and organ of your body via your nervous system. As long as there is no interference to this system, you have the capability to heal, feel great, be healthy and function well for a lifetime. Nurture this Intelligence for the development of your human potential and you will set personal records in all areas of your life.

Unfortunately, there can be interference to the communication and expression of this intelligence within your body. This interference causes dis-ease, weakness, and imbalances within your nervous system that can cause all types of immediate health problems. Or, this interference can lie dormant and asymptomatic for decades, leading to severe health conditions, chronic pain, deterioration and disease down the road.

Nerve Interference in the spine is called a vertebral subluxation. Lifestyle Interference is a result of poor health habits such as overeating, poor nutrition, excessive drinking, taking prescription or non-prescription drugs, or sitting too much. Environmental Interference is caused by toxicity from air, food, water, or chemicals, as well as accidents or natural disasters. All three types of interference can cause pressure in your spine and nervous system and affect your health on every level.

Using a variety of techniques, our chiropractors will work to remove this interference from your body so that you can heal quickly, stabilize, regenerate and achieve optimum health and peak performance levels for a lifetime.

To help you maximize your ability to heal from an injury, pain or health problem, to identify underlying conditions that you may not feel yet, or to achieve optimum health and peak performance levels, schedule your appointment today.

Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential from the time they are born through their last breath of life. This includes you!

© 2013 – 2014. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

Lifetime Effects of Birth Trauma

25 02 2014

Birth Trauma May Occur Frequently
Traumatic Birth Syndromes are more common than you might think. A German medical researcher discovered that over 80% of the infants that he examined shortly after birth were suffering from injuries to the cervical spine, the neck, causing all types of health problems.

Believe it or not, there are 44 countries with a better infant mortality rate than the United States according to the 2012 CIA Factbook.

Dr. Abraham Towbin, from Harvard Medical School and the Department of Pathology found that “the birth process, even under optimal conditions, is potentially a traumatic, crippling event for the fetus.”

“Spinal cord and brain stem injuries occur often during the process of birth but frequently escape diagnosis.” Dr. Towbin continues, “In severe instances death may occur during delivery or, in cases where respiratory function is depressed, a short period after birth. Infants who survive the initial effects may be left with severe nervous system defects.”

Symptomatic vs. Asymptomatic
What about the babies that don’t show immediate signs and symptoms? What if the signs and symptoms don’t appear until later on in life? What is the effect on that infant’s potential to express itself completely and wholly as a human being? What kind of symptoms and diseases could it cause later on in life?

The neck is an area of the body that cannot afford to have an injury remain uncorrected. Since injuries here can affect the brain stem, all the vital functions of the body are inhibited. This can occur whether there are symptoms present or not.

Neck Injuries Can Affect the Entire Body Do you remember what happened to Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman in the movies? He was riding his horse and fell on his head, breaking a bone in his upper neck.

In interviews after his injury, it was clear that he was unable to breathe without the use of a ventilator machine. He also was unable to control his elimination system. Many of his other bodily functions were altered. “How could this be?” you might ask, “He didn’t hurt his lungs, his bowel, or his bladder. He hurt his neck.”

This is precisely the point. When the neck is injured, the entire body is affected. When there is an injury to the spine, the organs and systems supplied by those nerves become dysfunctional. These injuries, which are very often vertebral subluxations, can alter the course of a person’s life if not immediately corrected.

A healthy spine and nervous system will ensure your baby’s development during every stage of their life. Don’t wait for a crisis. Make an appointment to have a spinal examination performed by a chiropractor who is trained to find and correct these injuries whether they are symptomatic or not.

© 2013 – 2014. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

Discipline & A Healthy Life

10 02 2014

Contributed by Dr. Dennis Buckley
The 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliate Chiropractor in Pasadena, CA

“Discipline is getting yourself to do something you don’t necessarily want to do to achieve a result you really want to get.” – Andy Andrews

Most people want to be healthy, want to feel good, want to function well and live a long life. This does not happen by accident. The healthiest and happiest people on the outside have usually done a lot of work on the inside or in private to achieve this goal.

The discipline it takes to be healthy requires healthy choices done consistently for a long time. If you are currently unhealthy or have bad habits many of these choices are not easy at first. Discipline requires that we develop habits, good habits, which we rely on to give us the best opportunity to have a healthy state of being.

If we can discipline ourselves and take responsibility for our lives and we practice this discipline with healthy choices, good habits will become our lifestyle, freeing us to live unencumbered by illness or injury where we enjoy the quality of life we deserve.

In regards to our physical health, we should all become disciplined in the areas of exercise, nutrition, rest and protecting our spine and nervous system through Chiropractic Lifestyle Care.

How are your habits? Are your disciplines healthy? Good habits require discipline that, when put in place, are easy to live with. Bad habits develop when you are not conscious, not responsible and do not discipline yourself. Bad habits may seem easy but they are very hard to live with.

When you are in a health crisis and suffering from a situation that requires your utmost attention, you are likely to be motivated to reclaim your health. You will usually do whatever is required and are more likely to be disciplined to get the result you want. However, as you become stable and relief has been achieved, do you make the critical transition to change your lifestyle? Do you continue on the path to achieve optimum health and peak performance levels?

Exercise, nutrition, rest, good posture and having your spine checked for nerve interference and proper function are the disciplines of many top performers in sports, entertainment and in the board room as well. Top performers are disciplined and make chiropractic care part of the health disciplines they practice regularly so their nervous system can function properly, which is vital to good health.

As it says in The 100 Year Lifestyle, “Learn to love the things that are good for you.” By being disciplined today and every day you are more likely to enjoy a longer, healthier life. See you at your next appointment.

© 2013 – 2014. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

Sandwich Moms…Caught in The Middle

6 02 2014

Contributed by Dr. Jack Bourla
The 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliate Chiropractor
in Redwood City, CA

There’s a new class of people that is vital to the way families function. This new class has been affectionately termed “The Sandwich Moms”. They are sandwiched between raising their own children and taking care of their parents at the same time.

With extended life spans becoming the norm, and many elderly not adequately prepared for their extended lives, the burden of taking care of older and younger generations is left to the person that is often caught in the middle: The Sandwich Mom.

The fastest growing segment of our population, according to the US Census Bureau, is the Centenarian (100 year olds). It is estimated that between now and the year 2040, the Centenarian population will grow by 746% while the remaining population will grow by 35%. That is a lot of elderly people. Someone has to take care of these people who were blindsided by their extended life and deteriorated into old age. The Sandwich Mom has been called to the task.

On the other side of the responsibility coin are Sandwich Mom’s children. Fifty % of the children born after 2000 are predicted to live 100 years while the other 50% are predicted to live shorter lives than their parents. Which side of this 50% that the children end up on, and the quality of life that they live, will be determined in large part by the way the Sandwich Mom cares for her kids and the health values she teaches her family.

So, who is going to take care of Sandwich Mom as she cares for multiple generations? Sandwich Mom must take care of herself!!! Knowing that she is vital to the raising of her children and caretaking of her parents, Sandwich Mom needs to make sure that she is well. How can she do this?

Certainly healthy lifestyle choices such as a positive attitude, healthy eating and exercise, must become a top priority. It also means Sandwich Mom must take care of herself and assure that her body’s main coordinating system, the nerve system, is working well and unobstructed by spinal distortions which can negatively affect nerve function, increase stress and cause all types of health problems. A chiropractic checkup will evaluate the nerve system for interference caused by spinal distortions (known as “vertebral subluxations”)and is vital to the Sandwich Mom’s health care.

Gentle chiropractic corrections called “adjustments” can assure that the nerve system is healthy to coordinate all systems of the body. When all systems of the body are receiving proper nerve supply, optimal health can be achieved and the Sandwich Mom and her family can be better prepared to cope with the challenges of being stuck in the middle. To make Sandwich Mom’s job easier, the entire family (children, dads and parents) should be checked regularly for vertebral subluxations and health values should become the top priority for all.

Taking care of others is a tremendous responsibility for the Sandwich Mom. Taking care of herself is essential for all generations to thrive in this age of extended life spans. While she is caught in the middle, she is the standout in family health care.

Are you a Sandwich Mom? Do you know one? Sandwich Moms, take care of yourself and teach healthy values to your family. Call our office today for a consultation to see if chiropractic is right for you. We look forward to the pleasure of serving you soon.

© 2013 – 2014. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

The Bigness Within You

7 01 2014

There is a “Bigness” within you and it’s not about your size. It’s the amazing Innate Intelligence that runs your body which cannot be duplicated in a laboratory. In fact, if you tried, it would drain all the money in the world with no guarantee of success.

Yale University Biophysicist, Dr. Harold J. Morowitz, has confirmed scientifically that a pound of human flesh is worth about $111,475 and a whole body around $6 million. “Those prices only cover the raw materials, the hormones, proteins, enzymes, RNA, DNA, amino acids, and other complex biochemicals that are the stuff of life,” Dr. Harold J. Morowitz says.

“Fashioning the $6 million dollar chemical shopping list into human cells might cost $6,000,000,000,000,000 (six thousand trillion dollars),” Morowitz estimates. “Assembling the resulting heap of cells into tissue, the tissue into organs, and the organs into a warm body might drain all the treasures of the world, with no guarantee of success.”

Fortunately, the blueprints and the know-how to assemble the raw materials into your warm body were present at the moment you were conceived. Your Innate Intelligence stays with you every day and coordinates the massive amount of functions that occur every second in your body using your nervous system as its conduit. These numbers are staggering as well…

• A fully formed human brain contains 100 billion neurons or nerve
cells and gives off the equivalent power of a 20 watt light bulb.

• The human brain has the storage capacity of 100 trillion bits of
information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500,000 sets of
the Encyclopedia Britannica books, which, when stacked, would reach
442 miles high.

• You have 45 miles of nerves in your body that send impulses as
rapidly as 325 miles per hour. Your brain and your body communicate

The amount of work that is coordinated by your Innate Intelligence over your nervous system is incomprehensible. Think about this…

• Breathing one pint of air 17 times a minute, we take in 78 million
gallons in an average life span, enough to fill the Hindenburg
airship one and a half times.

• 8,000,000 new red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow every

• 2100 gallons of blood are pumped through 62,000 miles of blood
vessels in a day.

• Your heart pumps enough blood in an average lifetime to fill the
fuel tanks of 56 moon rockets.

As long as you are alive and breathing, this “Bigness” within you is present and striving to heal you when you are sick or injured and keep you functioning at your full potential for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond. Unfortunately, there can be interference to the function of your nervous system from injuries that occur in the spine called vertebral subluxations. These spinal problems can be caused by birth trauma, childhood falls, stress, poor posture, accidents or other injuries which can affect your health on many levels.

Research shows that pressure equivalent to the weight of a dime can reduce spinal nerve transmission. Nerve compression can exist without pain and after just two weeks, leave serious damage to the nerves and the parts of your body supplied by those nerves.

The chiropractic care we provide can locate and remove this interference so the “Bigness” within you is freed up to do its job to the best of its ability. Whether you have symptoms or not, this checkup may be the most important decision you make this year. Make it today and don’t wait for a crisis. The bottom line says you are worth it!

© 2013-2014. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

Health Care is Rising

30 12 2013

By Dr. Eric Plasker, Author of The 100 Year Lifestyle

Health Care is Rising. As the U.S. and many other nations try to figure out how to pay for the challenges of the aging population, individuals are realizing that they need to take responsibility for their own health through their lifestyle choices, while also utilizing chiropractic as their first choice for care.

People are living longer than ever. Our generation is the first in history that is getting the advance notice that whether we like it or not, want to or not we will probably live longer than we ever thought. The question is what will our quality of life be like along the way? Will we enjoy an active, healthy, purposeful life with meaningful relationships or will we follow in the path of the many elderly now residing in nursing homes? When it comes to health care values, how will we raise our children differently?

Hundred year old people are the world’s fastest growing segment of the population. The U.S. Census expects this group to grow by 746% between now and the year 2040. This is a staggering statistic as the Baby Boomer Generation moves into their later years. Unfortunately, Baby Boomers are watching their parents and grandparents suffer in their longevity with deterioration and chronic disease. Simultaneously, as they themselves get older, they are waking up to the reality that they need to live their lives differently and make their health a priority before they get sick. This is a philosophical shift that goes way beyond the concept of Affordable Care.

When I wrote The 100 Year Lifestyle in 2007, the United States was ranked 37th in Life Expectancy and 35th in Infant Mortality. Upon researching the statistics for The 100 Year Lifestyle Second Edition, available now, I was disturbed that our country has become worse in both categories: dropping to 51st in Life Expectancy and 44th in Infant Mortality.

While quality medical care may be necessary when there is disease or a severe accident, Health Care is different. Health Care is about keeping your body, mind and spirit functioning at full potential. It’s about keeping yourself fit, balanced and healthy, and optimizing the function of your nervous system. Chiropractors who are practicing this philosophy of The 100 Year Lifestyle are providing this solution for the people in their communities.

Millions of families – three, four and five generations of them – have been utilizing chiropractic care since birth or early childhood and are some of the healthiest people. I look at my family members who have been fortunate enough to grow up with a healthy spine and nervous system and healthy lifestyle choices and I have seen them thrive as they become healthy adults. This is the direction that humanity needs to follow.

In 1903 Thomas Edison, the great inventor, was quoted:

“The doctor of the FUTURE will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Well, that was 110 years ago. Enough time has passed to have the “future” be now. The new quote says:

“The doctor of the PRESENT will give no medicine but will interest their patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of Dis-ease.”

Isn’t it time that you and your family be present? Yes, let health care begin rising for you!

© 2013. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.

Lost Coverage. Found Health.

18 12 2013

By Dr. Dennis Buckley and Dr. Eric Plasker

Millions of people in the United States are losing their insurance coverage. With all the confusion about insurance, the focus and concern for many Americans and people everywhere is, “Will I have insurance coverage in case I get sick or injured?” While the concern over coverage is important, this question ignores the basic fact that having coverage for sickness and being healthy are two completely different issues.

Do we want to have this “insurance” to cover us? Sure. But good coverage does not replace poor choices. The best insurance of all is to eat healthy quality food, keep yourself fit and at your ideal weight, reduce stress, have a positive attitude, and keep your structure, spine and nervous system healthy.

Just because you are “covered” doesn’t mean you are healthy. In fact, if you have “coverage” and make poor health choices, you are much more likely to wind up sick, injured and suffering unnecessarily.

Don’t misunderstand – good coverage is a very good thing. Unfortunately, too many people are living unhealthy lifestyles and are headed down the sickness path. It’s time to change paths.

We are the first generation in history that is getting the advance notice that whether we like it or not, want to or not, we will probably live longer than we ever thought. According to the British Medical Journal, 50% of the babies born since the year 2000 are expected to live to 100. The important question is what will your quality of life be like along the way?

The US ranks 51st in life expectancy compared to other industrialized nations and 44th in infant mortality. 60% of the population is overweight and over 30% are obese. Medical errors cause over 100,000 people to die each year unnecessarily, and we are watching the numbers of people with preventable illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and autoimmune problems climb.

For a small number of those who suffer from a genetic problem, medical intervention can help save lives. Trauma from injuries and accidents may also be handled well by our current system, saving lives. But the vast majority of people that are seen by doctors have problems that can be directly correlated to unhealthy lifestyles; therefore, most likely preventable.

Too many people suffer through the last decades of their life because of poor choices along the way. Whether they have good coverage or not, every single one of those people who are suffering would choose being healthy and not needing the coverage over getting sick.

The 100 Year Lifestyle is about staying healthy throughout your entire lifetime. It’s about healthy choices including good nutrition and exercise, along with health care choices that are proactive including keeping your spine and nervous system well-adjusted with chiropractic Lifestyle Care.

Having insurance for the crisis care can be very valuable but not as valuable as the day to day choices you make to stay healthy.

Chiropractors are leading the way in communities around the world, teaching people how to live healthy and thrive rather than just survive. You owe it to yourself to discover your true value and potential and you hold the key to that potential in the decisions you make day to day. We will stand with you to help you on this journey.

Avoiding This Dangerous Holiday Duo

2 12 2013

Alcohol and prescription drugs are a dangerous combination. While celebrities are the most popular victims, too many people are affected by this bad combination. With the holidays coming up, this knowledge can even save the life of someone important to you.

Both prescription and non-prescription drugs do not mix with alcohol. Too many people take medications on a regular basis – daily, weekly or monthly – and are unaware of the damaging effects that can be caused by adding alcohol into the mix.

During the holidays, people tend to consume more alcohol. The combination of even small amounts of alcohol with many medications can result in adverse reactions within the body that can lead to severe health problems, and in the worst case scenario, even death. Your awareness about this issue brings responsible drinking to a whole new level.

A few examples include…
– Medications used for ADHD or sleep disorders, such as Adderall, may actually circumvent the body’s normal warning systems and can mislead the person to unknowingly drink a dangerous amount of alcohol.

– Acetaminophen is listed as a Major Drug Interaction with alcohol and can result in liver damage, even from small amounts of this combination. This is the medicine found in over the counter drugs such as Tylenol and the widely used Cold Medicine, Nyquil.

– An antibiotic like Bactrim, Flagyl, or Tindamax should not be mixed with alcohol because it can cause severe reactions such as nausea and vomiting, headache, and rapid heart rate.

With other antibiotics, the immediate effects may be less severe but your energy can be reduced and delay how quickly you recover from illness.

Even in small amounts, alcohol may intensify medication side effects such as sleepiness, drowsiness, and light-headedness. The risk of serious injury or fatality when operating a vehicle or machinery is magnified and reaction time to prevent harm may be diminished.

Medications consumed by adults over the age of 65, many of whom already have balance issues and an increased risk of falls, can raise the risk when combined with even a small serving of alcohol.

The combination of medicine and alcohol should be avoided at all costs. If you are taking medication prescribed by a doctor, do your homework to learn about the potential reactions that may occur and avoid them.

When hosting a party or meal during the holidays, offer a variety of beverages to provide non-alcoholic, healthy choices to those who may need to avoid alcohol consumption. When attending as a guest, if you know you are at risk, offer to provide a non-alcoholic beverage to share as part of your contribution to the gathering.

You may read this and at first thought presume that the alcohol is the problem. For many, however, it’s the prescription and non-prescription drug use that is the problem. Millions of people each year are discovering that drugs are not the answer for long term health. As they become aware that long term drug usage can lead to severe side effects, they are making healthier lifestyle choices, 100 Year Lifestyle choices that include good nutrition, exercise, and a healthy spine and nervous system through chiropractic Lifestyle Care.

Avoid this dangerous mix, make healthier choices, and make this the healthiest holiday season ever.

A Child’s Gateway to Health

13 11 2013

Contributed by Dr. Brandon Roberts
A 100 Year Lifestyle Affiliate in Antioch, CA

– Every Child Deserves to Live a Healthy Life
– The Big Question
– Simple Changes Bring Amazing Results

Every Child Deserves to Live a Healthy Life.
This is a key premise and focus of The 100 Year Lifestyle. The choices you make for them and the choices you teach them to make for themselves will be their gateway to a healthy or unhealthy life.

The good news is that by teaching them healthy choices, you will immediately help children live healthier. The bad news is that children are being bombarded with chemical, physical and emotional stress from day one. So much so, that this generation of babies may be the first in recent history to see a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

Birth trauma, prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs and toxins from the environment combined with an exponential increase in the number of vaccinations, can place babies in a chronic fight or flight, stress, reaction that can lead to all types of health problems. This assault on immune and nervous systems can cause them to fidget, chew on things inappropriately, lose focus, and sleep irregularly.

The Big Question
The decreasing health of our children is alarming. 1 out of 6 children is labeled as learning disabled. 1 out of 8 is in Special Education classes. In the 1970s, 1 out of 25,000 children were diagnosed with Autism. In the 1980s the rate increased to a staggering 1 in every 2500. Today it is about 1 out of every 50 for girls and every 32 for boys. These numbers are absolutely unacceptable.

There are millions of prescriptions filled each year for children. 25% of children in the United States are on a daily chronic medication. Many of these, such as Ritalin, are in the same category as cocaine and speed, highly addictive and considered to be a gateway drug.

The number of recommended vaccines for children by the time they are 18 years old is now 49 doses of 14 vaccines. In 1989, it was only about 11 doses.

Ask yourself, “Are kids healthier now than they were 50 years ago?” They can be. If children were raised using The 100 Year Lifestyle model of FitN2ESS (Neurology, Nutrition, Endurance, Strength and Structure), they would be able to experience a life without limits and optimize the expression of their Innate Intelligence and potential.

Simple Changes Bring Amazing Results
Simple lifestyle changes can bring amazing results and focus. Drug use in children would be lower and they would grow up having faith in the incredible ability of the body to perform and function at its best without medication. Their potential would be limitless!

Start by eating whole, organic, nutrient-packed food, getting enough exercise and plenty of rest. Children have a lot of natural energy and not expressing this energy through creative play and physical activity can cause outbursts, stress and anxiety.

We live our lives based on the function of our nerve system. If it’s clear and there is no interference to it, the Innate Intelligence inside each of us will work properly. The millions of reactions that need to take place in our body every second of our life would flow unimpeded.

Getting regular chiropractic checkups and Lifestyle Care can locate vertebral subluxations in the spine and remove interference to the nervous system, making children more adaptable to the environment.

Children living The 100 Year Lifestyle have the opportunity to live better, more productive lives every day for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond. Contact a 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliate Chiropractor in your area to learn more.

4.National Health Statistics Reports, #65, march 20, 2013
6.Official Recommended vaccine schedules by the ACIP, AAP, AAFP

© 2013. The Family Practice, Inc., Dr. Eric Plasker and The 100 Year Lifestyle. All Rights Reserved.